Insurance: Additional services may be offered only + + trip: to offer flight rebooking is no cancellation + + Cruise: Seven hours less Singapore: No money back
Insurance - Additional services may only sometimes be offered
air travel portals can only offer insurance quotes to more active in posting. However, it is not permissible if they make one for the flight is not necessarily required power not form part of a package and then offer guests the opportunity to take the post again from the bill. In the proceedings before the District Court of Leipzig case, a passenger was informed during the booking process, to have a suitable travel insurance had already been selected for him. If he would do without him, he must select an appropriate field (case number 5 O 2485/09). dpa
If one party offers to its guests for a delay a transfer, it not automatically cancel the originally scheduled flight. Also, the words "Cancelled" on the scoreboard just is not enough. In both cases, travelers are not entitled to compensation payments. In the proceedings before the Berlin Regional Court case, a pilot the passengers for fifteen minutes after the originally planned starting time had been ordered to leave the machine for the time of repair. A passenger claimed that it had been made mandatory to transfer, from which he derived an annulment and sued for damages. At trial, but confirmed neither the pilot nor the other passengers that the passengers were asked to transfer authentic. Thus, a substantial indication lacking that the airline had given up the intention to carry out the flight. The "Cancelled" indicator is not relevant anyway, because the information did not originate from the airport operator and the airline (Az: 57 S 44/07). dpa
Cruise vacationers can recover any money from the organizer if the stay is shortened their ship in each port a few hours. This was decided by the District Court of Offenbach (Az: 340 C 29/08), the German Society for reported travel law. In this specific case, the wait time of a cruise ship in Singapore from 21 to 14 hours as well as in Hong Kong had been reduced from 16 to twelve hours. One couple complained about it. It looked through the shortening of the stay in Asia, in severely restricted. The shipping company responded that the changes that had been prescribed by the port authorities mandatory. The court gave the right provider. The reductions were "mere inconvenience this may have to accept compensation. Still only 14 and only twelve hours would have been available.