insurance: The unjustified cries of the insurer
The European Court will decide whether insurers must calculate their rates for men and women differently. Women pay more in pension insurance, because they live longer statistically. While men rely more car accidents and cough up more for their car insurance. But insurers are different not only long after the race.
Enlarge logos of leading insurers: The European Court of Justice in 2011 to judge whether different discriminatory insurance rates by gender. Insurers defend themselves against common tariffs for men and women dpa / dpaweb What a hue and cry: The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has not decided anything, but the insurer beat precaution ever crash. Measure would, in the worst case, all tariffs will be recalculated. And could cost the first estimate for 30 billion euros, warned the German actuaries. The costs would lead to dramatic financial difficulties in the German life insurers, announced Michael Steinmetz, CEO of the German Actuarial Association.
But this problem does not interest the ECJ. He is concerned essentially with the question: Is it okay if the sex of the insured as a risk factor in the calculation of tariffs play a role? And so sometimes the men, sometimes discriminated against women?
Discriminated against is presently the insurers - and black paint. Munich-Re-chief Nikolaus von Bomhard warned that in case of emergency all the "better off" turned their backs the underwriters and "another system" were looking for. "That's why it's an art to organize the insurance community," he said, referring to the private insurers. Alliance-Germany boss Markus Riess even sees the business model of the German insurance industry at risk. It is crucial that "we are able to risks detailed understanding and making the right prices. " The required level for risk analysis. And that includes not just the sex.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Private insurance - expensive luxury
There are many reasons to opt for private health insurance: private patients must often wait at the doctor less long, they get slightly more expensive drugs, or the extra-examination with costly equipment. One is no reason for the favorable reviews, will attract young customers with whom the insurer. Because the private insurance begins with low premiums while, but over time they get further and further. At the age private patients pay far more for their health insurance than most retirees for their legal fund, which collects the contributions known as a function of income.
Auto insurance also change after November
A look at the calendar could be the one or another scare: Was not there something that can be done only in November? But not everyone has it already be too late now to cancel auto insurance - even if the date 30 November is passed: Many drivers are entitled to a break option.
One reason for extraordinary termination is when the insurer raised the same performance contributions - regardless of whether the risk rating of the vehicle or the regional class has changed. Even when buying a new vehicle, the insured may cancel - they shall not be obliged to transfer the contract of the old to the new car. More specifically, the situation is stored in case of damage: Then we have a mutual break option, both for the vehicle owner and the insurance company. Regardless of the reason is true: customers always have the assurance of receiving the letter to get some insurance tips for free.
Insurance: Additional services may be offered only under certain conditions
Insurance: Additional services may be offered only + + trip: to offer flight rebooking is no cancellation + + Cruise: Seven hours less Singapore: No money back
Insurance - Additional services may only sometimes be offered
air travel portals can only offer insurance quotes to more active in posting. However, it is not permissible if they make one for the flight is not necessarily required power not form part of a package and then offer guests the opportunity to take the post again from the bill. In the proceedings before the District Court of Leipzig case, a passenger was informed during the booking process, to have a suitable travel insurance had already been selected for him. If he would do without him, he must select an appropriate field (case number 5 O 2485/09). dpa
If one party offers to its guests for a delay a transfer, it not automatically cancel the originally scheduled flight. Also, the words "Cancelled" on the scoreboard just is not enough. In both cases, travelers are not entitled to compensation payments. In the proceedings before the Berlin Regional Court case, a pilot the passengers for fifteen minutes after the originally planned starting time had been ordered to leave the machine for the time of repair. A passenger claimed that it had been made mandatory to transfer, from which he derived an annulment and sued for damages. At trial, but confirmed neither the pilot nor the other passengers that the passengers were asked to transfer authentic. Thus, a substantial indication lacking that the airline had given up the intention to carry out the flight. The "Cancelled" indicator is not relevant anyway, because the information did not originate from the airport operator and the airline (Az: 57 S 44/07). dpa
Cruise vacationers can recover any money from the organizer if the stay is shortened their ship in each port a few hours. This was decided by the District Court of Offenbach (Az: 340 C 29/08), the German Society for reported travel law. In this specific case, the wait time of a cruise ship in Singapore from 21 to 14 hours as well as in Hong Kong had been reduced from 16 to twelve hours. One couple complained about it. It looked through the shortening of the stay in Asia, in severely restricted. The shipping company responded that the changes that had been prescribed by the port authorities mandatory. The court gave the right provider. The reductions were "mere inconvenience this may have to accept compensation. Still only 14 and only twelve hours would have been available.
Satisfied motorists switch car insurance rarely for reasons of price
Motorists who are satisfied with their car insurance would also change the majority of their insurer, even when they could thus save on fees. The study, "Automotive Compass Exchange 2010 DEVK shows to see 62 percent of the insured satisfied no reason for the termination of their car insurance, even if another provider offers lower rates on a cheap insurance quote provided to them. This would these "non-changer" in itself does not interfere with the expenses of termination and insurance change.
Overall, 97 percent of drivers, their car insurance do not cancel at the end of the year, that they are satisfied with their current insurer and in good hands. Another 64 percent said to feel a huge satisfaction with their car insurance. It expressed itself in the study particularly positive about the car owners their insurer if they previously had a claim and expiration of the settlement of the claim to full satisfaction. sch
Friday, August 13, 2010
private accident insurance
The private accident insurance pays the insured person suffering from an accident a permanent physical damage. A permanent impairment is accepted when the consequences of accidents expected to stay for longer than three years remain. The accident was primarily designed to secure the capital, which consists of an accident
* Compensation of accidental loss of pay, especially if no disability insurance can be completed,
* Conversion of car or home,
* Additional agents or therapies, health insurance or pension insurance carrier does not assume,
* Help in the home or in childcare.
Who can shoulder these costs themselves, does not require insurance. Accident insurance provides physical damage according to a percentage of the agreed sum disability. The percentage is determined by a Gliedertaxe. Then the after accidental loss or accidental use of such inability
* One thumb, 20 percent of total disability
* A hand 55 percent of the total disability
* 70 percent of a leg disability sum
* One eye paid 50 percent of the total disability.
In this respect the private accident insurance of workers' compensation, which takes no Gliedertaxe the measure, but focuses on the reduction of earning capacity, taking into account particularly the loss of function. In turn, invalidity insurance, the impairment of the profession is governed. If medical history or disabilities have contributed to the disability, this is taken into account and deducted accordingly. On the amount of the deduction or the degree of causation can often argue admirably.
You can also take out insurance quotes, which provides for payment of accidental death. If life cover is required, but should a life insurance policy to be completed. Nevertheless, the insurance of a small sum in the event of accidental death in the accident insurance is recommended. In a clear accident disability, such as amputation, is made in the year after the accident, an advance only in the amount of death benefit. This is because a death resulted from the accident within one year after the accident, only the death benefit is paid.
The premium of the insurance depends on the classification into risk groups. The risk group A comprises professionals without physical activity. Women are generally classified in this risk group. The risk group B comprises professionals with physical and dangerous activity and is therefore more expensive.
The condition of contract and works of the accident are increasingly expanded and divergent range of benefits offered. This should be no one's eyes to the point of view is adjustable, which will determine whether and to what level of insurance benefits from the accident. These are priority.
A. Main issues
1st Insurance coverage should be available even when
a) invalidity by proper motion and increased effort,
b) loss of consciousness (eg by drugs, epilepsy, fainting, alcohol),
c) Disability as a result of infection (eg ticks, tetanus, malaria).
d) It is important for people with pre-damage is done in what amount and kind of reduction in performance, if they have contributed to the incapacity. Is a common trigger, unless the disability to 25 percent or more back to the pre-damage. Better deals offer only deduction from 40 percent.
2nd Adequate disability basic amount
This is more important than a high progression of 500 or even 1,000 percent. For even at a lower degree of disability, the one in daily life can already seriously limit, then a sufficient amount is paid. This is calculated based on the principal sum and not at the total disability. A common rule of thumb for determining the disability determines the sum total disability working people by age and income:
30 years = six times,
40 years = five times,
50 years = four times the gross annual income.
Regarding the amount of the sum insured, please note the examples in child accident insurance.
3rd Progression
Through the agreement, a "progressive" the insurance benefits to rise progressively with higher levels of disability. In the normal progression is effective from 25 percent or 50 percent disability. We recommend a progression from 225 percent total disability. Who has represented for example, 100,000 € invalidity principal sum and is totally disabled by an accident, would receive 225,000 euros.
4th No annuity
From the agreement of the annuity is not recommended. The pensions from insurance contracts raise the price of the contract immense. Moreover, accident benefits are often too low. The annuity is paid usually only from very high levels of disability of 50 percent. Better and better protection provides a sufficient sum disability. This can be used flexibly and also how a pension can be used for monthly payments. This is paid only the interest or capital consumption possible. Examples see children accident. Only when these main aspects of the accident are true, you should concern itself with other details that make the insurance protection more attractive. Here too there is a preference.
* Compensation of accidental loss of pay, especially if no disability insurance can be completed,
* Conversion of car or home,
* Additional agents or therapies, health insurance or pension insurance carrier does not assume,
* Help in the home or in childcare.
Who can shoulder these costs themselves, does not require insurance. Accident insurance provides physical damage according to a percentage of the agreed sum disability. The percentage is determined by a Gliedertaxe. Then the after accidental loss or accidental use of such inability
* One thumb, 20 percent of total disability
* A hand 55 percent of the total disability
* 70 percent of a leg disability sum
* One eye paid 50 percent of the total disability.
In this respect the private accident insurance of workers' compensation, which takes no Gliedertaxe the measure, but focuses on the reduction of earning capacity, taking into account particularly the loss of function. In turn, invalidity insurance, the impairment of the profession is governed. If medical history or disabilities have contributed to the disability, this is taken into account and deducted accordingly. On the amount of the deduction or the degree of causation can often argue admirably.
You can also take out insurance quotes, which provides for payment of accidental death. If life cover is required, but should a life insurance policy to be completed. Nevertheless, the insurance of a small sum in the event of accidental death in the accident insurance is recommended. In a clear accident disability, such as amputation, is made in the year after the accident, an advance only in the amount of death benefit. This is because a death resulted from the accident within one year after the accident, only the death benefit is paid.
The premium of the insurance depends on the classification into risk groups. The risk group A comprises professionals without physical activity. Women are generally classified in this risk group. The risk group B comprises professionals with physical and dangerous activity and is therefore more expensive.
The condition of contract and works of the accident are increasingly expanded and divergent range of benefits offered. This should be no one's eyes to the point of view is adjustable, which will determine whether and to what level of insurance benefits from the accident. These are priority.
A. Main issues
1st Insurance coverage should be available even when
a) invalidity by proper motion and increased effort,
b) loss of consciousness (eg by drugs, epilepsy, fainting, alcohol),
c) Disability as a result of infection (eg ticks, tetanus, malaria).
d) It is important for people with pre-damage is done in what amount and kind of reduction in performance, if they have contributed to the incapacity. Is a common trigger, unless the disability to 25 percent or more back to the pre-damage. Better deals offer only deduction from 40 percent.
2nd Adequate disability basic amount
This is more important than a high progression of 500 or even 1,000 percent. For even at a lower degree of disability, the one in daily life can already seriously limit, then a sufficient amount is paid. This is calculated based on the principal sum and not at the total disability. A common rule of thumb for determining the disability determines the sum total disability working people by age and income:
30 years = six times,
40 years = five times,
50 years = four times the gross annual income.
Regarding the amount of the sum insured, please note the examples in child accident insurance.
3rd Progression
Through the agreement, a "progressive" the insurance benefits to rise progressively with higher levels of disability. In the normal progression is effective from 25 percent or 50 percent disability. We recommend a progression from 225 percent total disability. Who has represented for example, 100,000 € invalidity principal sum and is totally disabled by an accident, would receive 225,000 euros.
4th No annuity
From the agreement of the annuity is not recommended. The pensions from insurance contracts raise the price of the contract immense. Moreover, accident benefits are often too low. The annuity is paid usually only from very high levels of disability of 50 percent. Better and better protection provides a sufficient sum disability. This can be used flexibly and also how a pension can be used for monthly payments. This is paid only the interest or capital consumption possible. Examples see children accident. Only when these main aspects of the accident are true, you should concern itself with other details that make the insurance protection more attractive. Here too there is a preference.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
limited liability and insurance
Limited Liability Most small businesses that consider incorporating do so for the limited liability that corporate status affords. The greatest fear of the sole proprietor or partner—that his or her life's savings could be jeopardized by a law suit against his or her business or by sudden overwhelming debts—disappears once the business becomes a corporation. Although the shareholders are liable up to the amount they have invested in the
corporation, their personal assets cannot be touched.
Rather than purchase expensive liability insurance, then, many small business owners choose to incorporate to protect themselves.
Raising Capital It can be much easier for a corporation to raise capital than it is for a partnership or sole proprietorship, because the corporation has stocks to sell.
Investors can be lured with the prospect of dividends if the corporation makes a profit, avoiding the necessity of taking out loans and paying high interest rates in order to secure capital. However, from a banker's perspective, a newly formed corporation is a more risky loan applicant
than an individual with a home and other assets. Attracting Top-Notch Employees Corporations may find it easier to attract the best employees, who may be lured by stock options and fringe benefits.
Fringe Benefits One advantage C corporations have over unincorporated businesses and S corporations is that they may deduct fringe benefits (such as group term life insurance, health and disability insurance, death benefits payments to $5,000, and employee medical expenses not paid by insurance) from their taxes as a business expense. In addition, shareholder-employees are exempt from paying taxes on the fringe benefits they receive. To be eligible for this tax break the corporation must not design a plan that benefits only the shareholders/owners. A good portion of the employees (usually 70 percent) must also be able to take advantage of the benefits.
corporation, their personal assets cannot be touched.
Rather than purchase expensive liability insurance, then, many small business owners choose to incorporate to protect themselves.
Raising Capital It can be much easier for a corporation to raise capital than it is for a partnership or sole proprietorship, because the corporation has stocks to sell.
Investors can be lured with the prospect of dividends if the corporation makes a profit, avoiding the necessity of taking out loans and paying high interest rates in order to secure capital. However, from a banker's perspective, a newly formed corporation is a more risky loan applicant
than an individual with a home and other assets. Attracting Top-Notch Employees Corporations may find it easier to attract the best employees, who may be lured by stock options and fringe benefits.
Fringe Benefits One advantage C corporations have over unincorporated businesses and S corporations is that they may deduct fringe benefits (such as group term life insurance, health and disability insurance, death benefits payments to $5,000, and employee medical expenses not paid by insurance) from their taxes as a business expense. In addition, shareholder-employees are exempt from paying taxes on the fringe benefits they receive. To be eligible for this tax break the corporation must not design a plan that benefits only the shareholders/owners. A good portion of the employees (usually 70 percent) must also be able to take advantage of the benefits.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
buying insurance
Everyone understands that the fundamental concept of buying insurance is to protect one’s own financial interests. What is not well understood is that our legal relationships with others create obligations to protect their financial interests as well. When we assure that those legal obligations are taken care of, we secure our own financial well-being.
Once this abstract discussion is reduced to everyday terms, the concept does not seem so strange. These are relationships of great importance to individuals and businesses in their everyday lives and activities and one’s insurance decisions are interwoven with these relationships.
These relationships can include:
* mortgage lenders on your home;
* lenders on your auto loan;
* lenders on other items, whether as lenders or lessors on contracts for business equipment; and,
* persons with whom you have contracted to sell goods or to provide goods and services, who require that they be named as additional persons insured under your policies.
Quote from the complete book of insurance
Once this abstract discussion is reduced to everyday terms, the concept does not seem so strange. These are relationships of great importance to individuals and businesses in their everyday lives and activities and one’s insurance decisions are interwoven with these relationships.
These relationships can include:
* mortgage lenders on your home;
* lenders on your auto loan;
* lenders on other items, whether as lenders or lessors on contracts for business equipment; and,
* persons with whom you have contracted to sell goods or to provide goods and services, who require that they be named as additional persons insured under your policies.
Quote from the complete book of insurance
Friday, July 23, 2010
Insuring your business
Finding the right business insurance can be a difficult and complicated process. There is a certain amount of jargon associated with the area which can put off many small firms. Companies want to buy a policy which will protect them when times are bad, or, if disaster happens.
However, thinking about worst-case scenarios is not something which positive, forward thinking entrepreneurs really want to do - you are probably thinking about how your business is going to grow and improve not how it could all go wrong.
Disasters such as floods, fires and break-ins might all seem to be both unfortunate and unlikely and something that won’t happen to you.
This section aims to show businesses like yours what type of policies are available and they can benefit you. Also, it will provide you with ideas and suggestions for finding out what you need, how to keep your premiums down and what the real likelihoods are of disasters affecting you.
As an entrepreneur you might see your insurance as one of those unavoidable costs - you don’t much like it but you’ll go along with it. However, for many firms it ends up being their life support. You never know if disaster is lurking around the corner, but it is too late to get cover after the incident has happened.
However, thinking about worst-case scenarios is not something which positive, forward thinking entrepreneurs really want to do - you are probably thinking about how your business is going to grow and improve not how it could all go wrong.
Disasters such as floods, fires and break-ins might all seem to be both unfortunate and unlikely and something that won’t happen to you.
This section aims to show businesses like yours what type of policies are available and they can benefit you. Also, it will provide you with ideas and suggestions for finding out what you need, how to keep your premiums down and what the real likelihoods are of disasters affecting you.
As an entrepreneur you might see your insurance as one of those unavoidable costs - you don’t much like it but you’ll go along with it. However, for many firms it ends up being their life support. You never know if disaster is lurking around the corner, but it is too late to get cover after the incident has happened.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
how to get life insurance quotes
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
motor insurance - historical
- Hardcover
- Publisher: Stone and Cox Limited (January 1, 1956)
- ASIN: B003PBU53I
- Average Customer Review: No customer reviews yet.
home insurance quote guides
Written by experts in the field, Quick Easy Guides share little-known trade secrets and helpful hints to get you moving in the right direction.
Quick Easy Guides gives you books you can judge by the cover. Their books are short, sweet and cheap. You can see for yourself.
Anything on insurance quotes
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